Saturday, September 27, 2008


In cities with millions of people, as Darfur activists, we get happy when we get a couple of hundred to attend an event for which we spent weeks or even months preparing and working for.  Events are important and need to be done, but we also need to go to where the people already are!

In the coming weeks, Major League Baseball playoffs give us a great opportunity for DGA!  Thousands of people attend and millions watch the ball being batted around a field.  Let's find ways to use these national gatherings to create awareness. 

Any DGA agents from LA, Boston, Chicago, Tampa Bay and other cities that will make the playoffs up for some action at the ballpark?  

We can poster area, mass-flier cars in parking-lots, street theater, and more.

One DGAgent sent suggestion for night games: find buildings or even large walls on the outside of ballpark and guerrilla project Darfur images.  

Other ideas? 

Another DGAgent suggested that we declare Darfur our national priority.  We the people of the US declare that Darfur is our priority and will find the right way to work with the world to solve the!  Let's use the national pastime to declare our national priority!  

Feel free to comment or shoot us an email.

Cause it's one, two, three strikes and your out at the old ball game!



dga4darfur said...

I have an idea, but it requires help from someone else...

The new billboards have revolving ads on them and are electronic, and at MLB games there are electronic ad boards.

What if someone (this is where we need help) could infiltrate the system and make a Darfur ad one of the revolving ads?

Or even on the electronic hwy signs that are only in use during an accident or when traffic is backed up? A message about Darfur?

I bet the owner of the billboard would never notice, but a lot of people would.

Darfur Guerrilla Action said...

Other great ideas:

Bring green baseballs with "Darfur" stamped on them. Between innings, throw ball in the the field.

Distribute green boards for entire section in the stands and ask them to hold up at a specific time.

Projecting: project large Darfur images on visible wall at Stadium or close by.

We'll work through some of the ideas and give more specific instructions on how to DGA @ MLB.

Darfur Guerrilla Action said...

DGAgents trial projecting at Angels game last weekend.

Pics at:

Will make another "improved" run on Friday during playoffs game!

Darfur Guerrilla Action said...

DGAgents making cheap projection screen for MLB projecting- Angels game on Friday. Check it out!

Screen Test Pic1

Screen Test Pic2

Screen Test Pic3

Darfur Guerrilla Action said...

Pictures from DGA outing at Angels playoff game: Click on these!