President Obama wants to hear from the American people. Let's tell him about Darfur! For 30 days, starting Feb 9, we are committing to faxing the White House, asking the new administration to stand up for the innocent civilians of Darfur.
These next days are critical. An arrest warrant has been issued for President Bashir. His response has been to expel aid organization, which puts millions of innocent civilians in danger. There are reports of Janjaweed militias, thousands of them, amassing and preparing for attacks.
President Obama must act now to save innocent civilians in Darfur.
To send free fax
1. Download the pdf poster: DGA Times (week 4)
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3. Sender Information:
Name: Your name (or "DGA Agent")
Company: Leave Blank
Fax #: Leave Blank
Email: Enter your e-mail
4. Receiver Information:
Name: President Obama
Fax #: 202 456 2461
5. Fax Information:
Click on "choose file" and choose DGA Times poster you just downloaded.
6. Confirmation code: Enter code given.
7. Click on “Send Free Fax Now”
8. Open e-mail from faxzero and click on link to send fax.
Note: You can only send two free faxes per day per e-mail address at faxzero. Feel free to send more, if you use different e-mail addresses.
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